Queenstown Football Camp: Apr 14th-17th 2025

Clothing / Footwear.

Please make sure your child has appropriate clothing, this should include warm weather gear and a rain jacket even inside at times it can be cold. Flat soled trainers are the only things to be worn inside, and boots if you have them for the outside.

Food and Drink:

If you are familiar with our camp days, they run along the same schedule as a school day, so please make sure you pack enough food and drink to sustain your child for the day.

Sign in / Sign out.

If you could sign your child in at the start of the day and sign them out at the end. If your child is to go alone or with somebody else please make me aware on 02108510282 with a text message.


If, for any reason, you are unable to pay by Credit or Debit card, please contact Jamie directly at [email protected] and we will be happy to make arrangements with you.

If you have any issues submitting the form please call Jamie directly on 0210 851 0282.

Queenstown Football Camp: Apr 14th-17th 2025

Discount for all 4 days

5-6 yr olds

$17.50 per day or
$55 all four days

7-13 yr olds

$35 per day or
$110 all four days

Early drop-off available
8:30am – $5 per day

1-4 days.

Monday 14th February – Thursday 17th February, 2025.

Queenstown Event Centre

5-6 yr olds: 9:00am – 12:00pm
7-12 yr olds:
9:00am – 3pm

5 yrs – 12 yrs

Boys and Girls

Contact Whitmarsh Academy

The Whitmarsh Football Academy curriculum is focused on providing regular training sessions, camps, and academies for kids, all year round, working on the critical areas of their football game to improve them as players. For all kids, aged 3 years old and over.
If that sounds good to you, then get in touch!